Monday, June 14, 2010


The simplest kind of influence that one language may exert on another is the “borrowing” of words. When there is cultural borrowing there is always the likelihood that the associated words may be borrowed to.

Today English in the Indian subcontinent is dominating in many crests and colours. The establishment of English language as cultural, political, economical, educational, entities in India by replacing Indian languages is one of the crucial factors, for analysing the positions of the modern Indian languages.

Hindi is being popularised by the global bollywood. Hinglish is largely gaining popularity in India. Hinglish is a rich linguistic curry that is stirring together English with Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi.

Hinglish is widely spoken in India. Morever Hinglish has become the language of the Urban youth. Bollywood has always embraced Hinglish and nowadays we see number of songs in Hindi + English.

The advertising world has also contributed in this direction with ads like “Hungry Kya?” (Dominos Pizza), “Yeh dil mange more” (Pepsi), Clear hai (Sprite) etc.

Emails, chats, Orkut scrap, all communication on Internet in the Indian domain is facilitated by Hinglish.

The origin of English, Russian, Chinese, Greek and many other European languages have vastly been influenced by Indian languages. Sanskrit illustrates its ancestral relationship with the Indo-European language family. Through Sanskrit the oldest language of India, English words like hour is derived from the Sanskrit word “hora”, brain is derived from Sanskrit word “shira” or “brahma”. Common words like mother, father, and brother are also derived from Sanskrit. Oxford dictionary lists around 30,000 or more words and phrases which are derived from Sanskrit. Sanskrit has had global appeal and has changed many languages.

Even Hindi has found a large following back in the western culture. Hindi is one of the critical need language and is important to US diplomacy, national security, and economic competitiveness. Hindi language have been introduced in many western countries. Huston and Dallas schools located in Texas,have added hindi language in the curriculum and have been successful in making American students opt for the language.

There are many westerners who are currently learning Hindi, Sanskrit and other Indian languages out of their interests. And many of them pursue Sanskrit and have ambitions of teaching Indian languages in India.






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