Thursday, June 10, 2010



The term culture has been defined in different ways by different people. The different definitions attach to culture is based on the differences in the orientation of the people.

Culture is the complex, which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of the society (Tyler (1871),in Jekayinfa (2002)

Among the feature that characterize culture is that has its own personality and identity. The fact that we are human does not mean we are the same. Every moment we are being transformed. Culture is dynamic. Culture is gradual and continous process of change. Inspite of the change culture continues to give a community a sense of dignity, continuity, security and binds society together.

The impact of globalization on the culture is immense and diverse. It has affected the cultural aspect of people in different ways. The most significant example of this being the ever increasing values of the western and eastern cultures on each other.

This blog focuses on the influence of Western and Indian culture on each other in the field of

  • Movies
  • Language
  • Food
  • Television Shows/Channels
  • Health care



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